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Real-time PCR试剂盒


TCN Real-time PCR Kit

货号: BE207
规格: 96 test/kit

TCN Real-time PCR Kit

Intended Use and Test Principle

TCN Real-time PCR Kit is based on the principle of fluorescent PCR technology, for the detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae,Trichomonas vaginalis,Chlamydia trachomatisChlamydia pneumoniae. Specific primers & probes are designed to detect the highly specific regions of the pathogens. A pair of primers and a probe for detecting endogenous human genes are included as an internal control to monitor the whole test process. 

Storage Condition and Expiring Date

The reagents are stable when stored at ambient, advice stored at -25°C to 25°C for 18 months without unpacking. Please transport at -25℃ to 35℃.The kit should remain sealed and away from light exposure. Do not use the kit beyond the expiration date.